Saturday, February 6, 2010

The library resort

Several of my readers might be wondering why I am blogging from a public library. More than that, why I'm blogging in a library in Midtown Manhattan. Well, there are perfectly good reasons for this:
  1. WiFi. As I was eating an early dinner with my friend Forrest I suddenly realized that I would not be coming home for a while, where the wifi is reliable and sturdy, nor would I be going to a coffee shop with free wifi since the only coffee you're legally allowed to buy in Manhattan is Starbucks. And that would cost me $12 or something for the hour I needed the internet. I looked frazzled... what was I to do? Library, said Forrest. Library.
  2. I am bad at finding libraries, this is how I ended up in MidTown Manhattan... the other libraries around the city eluded me.
  3. Why not right? Libraries are here for the public to eat up... also I needed to go to the bathroom and the line at all the starbucks were way way way too long.
Hence I am treating my readership (hi mom) to a rare look at a man in a library. Where else are you going to get such cutting edge blog action? No where. That's where.

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